Average night time and wake up time
Average night time and wake up time

  • Vermonters spend the most time in bed (7 hours and 29 minutes) and have the highest quality of sleep (76 percent).
  • Hawaiians spend the least amount of time in bed, are up earliest (6:34 a.m.), and have the poorest quality of sleep.
  • North Dakotans snore the least (20 minutes).
  • South Dakotans report the best wake-up mood (64/100).
  • Ohioans and Marylanders report the worst wake-up mood (57/100).
  • New Yorkers stay up latest and wake up the latest.
  • Geography also affects how Americans sleep: the Sleep Cycle data shows some interesting - and surprising - differences between states. “Knowing, too, the high number of women who experience sleepiness each day but push through with their activities regardless, it is not surprising that women wake with a lower mood than men.” Geographically sleeping “In the research literature, we commonly see that women tend to sleep more but find their sleep less restorative than men and are at greater risk for insomnia,” said natural sleep expert Dr.
  • Men consistently wake up in a better mood than women, with men age 55+ at one end of the spectrum (67/100) and women age 18-34 at the other (56/100).
  • Men snore 4 minutes more than women, although both will snore about 20 minutes more at age 55+ than they do at age 18-34.
  • At age 18-34, men are the last to bed (11:57 p.m.) and last to rise (7:25 a.m.) by age 35, they are up earliest (6:37 a.m.), and, by age 55, they are first to bed (11:07 p.m.).
  • Women age 55-74 spent the most time in bed (7 hours and 35 minutes), and men age 35-54 spent the least time in bed (7 hours and 9 minutes).
  • Women get 14-20 minutes more sleep nightly than men, depending on age.
  • The data suggest that there are some fundamental differences in the way that men and women sleep - and these differences are more pronounced at different life stages. When Americans have a stressful day, they get even less sleep than late eaters (7 hours and 14 minutes) and wake up in a worse mood (54/100). Late eaters enjoy a poorer sleep quality than people who’ve had a stressful day. Which Americans are getting the poorest sleep? Not counting Americans with newborns, here are a few things bad sleepers have in common: 5-1 percent.Įarly bedtime - independent of sleep duration - also correlates with positive sleep outcomes: Americans who wake up in the best mood (87/100) also tuck in early (11:04 p.m.) and average 7 hours and 33 minutes of sleep. Perhaps surprisingly, daytime coffee or tea drinking also correlates to higher sleep quality: Americans sleep an average of six minutes longer when they drink tea or coffee, and their sleep quality increases by. almost an hour earlier than other Americans
  • These Americans have an average bedtime of 10:45 p.m.
  • Americans who get more than 8 hours of sleep enjoy an average sleep quality of 82 percent - the highest sleep quality of all Americans.
  • average night time and wake up time

  • Exercisers snore less (21 minutes) than non-exercisers (25 minutes).
  • average night time and wake up time

  • Americans average 10 extra minutes of sleep when they work out during the day.
  • Americans who exercise enjoy better sleep, regardless of gender or age.
  • According to the data, the two factors that most significantly contribute to a good night’s sleep are exercise and simply getting enough of it. What do we know about the best sleepers in America? America’s healthiest, happiest and best-rested people. Their average sleep quality has improved from 72.9 to 75.3 percent, but their wake-up mood remains unchanged at 57/100.

    average night time and wake up time

    They go to bed at 11:39 p.m., wake up at 7:09 a.m., spend 23.95 minutes snoring, have an average sleep quality of 74.2 percent, and rate their wake-up mood at 57 on a scale of 100.Īs a population, Americans got six minutes more sleep in 2018 than they got in 2015 - 7 hours and 21 minutes, up from 7 hours and 15 minutes. The Sleep Cycle app has more than three million active monthly users, and this report looked at three years’ worth of data, for a total of 148,116,221 nights of sleep.Īmericans spend an average of 7 hours and 18 minutes in bed each night. America’s healthiest, happiest and best-rested people. Sleep Cycle has today released a report that determines what we know about the best sleepers in America how sleep varies by age, gender and geography and what habits poor sleepers have in common. Sleep Cycle alarm clock > About Sleep > Sleep Science What we know about America’s healthiest, happiest and best-rested people

    Average night time and wake up time